
When Should I Keep or Extract My Wisdom Teeth?

Did you get the bad news that you need tooth extractions in Legacy ? Do not worry! Our specialists perform this procedure with the best techniques and anesthetic methods for you not to feel anything. Among the reasons you need to look for tooth extractions near you, you can find: Poor oral hygiene – is the most common reason for tooth loss. People not brushing their teeth and consuming sugary foods may develop dental caries that, in advanced stages, destroy all the dental structure, leaving no option to rehabilitate the dental piece. A failed root canal – even though you can get endodontic retreatment, some people prefer extracting the dental piece and getting a dental implant. Gum disease – Gum or periodontal disease is the infection of the tissues supporting the tooth. In the early stages, it separates the dental piece from the gums. You may reverse this condition (Gingivitis) with oral care and teeth cleanings with our dentist in Legacy. If untreated, the gum and bone recede, and te...

How Porcelain Veneers Can Transform Your Smile

Porcelain veneers are a great solution for completely transforming your smile and consequently changing the overall look. These custom-made dental veneers are placed on your teeth to model and shape your ideal smile. According to our own wishes, they are designed with the support of a dentist near you and the help of available technology. You can choose the veneer's length, width, color, or tone to perfectly match the aesthetic parameters, your facial features and characteristics, and your personality. Porcelain veneers mimic the strength and beauty of natural teeth, and dentists make them with the help of the most advanced technology. If you are looking for a dentist in Legacy , the Township Dental Wellness is a good choice as they design porcelain veneers in Legacy! When Should Porcelain Veneers Be Used? Veneers are routinely used in the following cases:  1) Teeth that have changed their natural color - whether due to root canal treatment, tetracycline stains or other medications...

How to Achieve a More Beautiful Smile

Every dentist in Legacy cares about the health of your teeth. We venture that nearly everyone in Legacy cares about the appearance of their teeth. If there was only a collection of dentists that focused specifically on the beauty and appearance of our pearly whites. As it turns out, there are: Cosmetic dentists prioritize helping you achieve your cosmetic goals. At their very healthiest, what do you wish your teeth could look like? What image and personality would you like to project through your smile. Those are the questions that dentists who focus on cosmetic dentistry in Legacy seek to answer. How do they do it? What can a cosmetic dentist do? Cosmetic dental clinics in Legacy offer a veritable menu of services and products to help you to achieve your cosmetic goals. Too many people are sheepish about wanting beautiful teeth in addition to healthy teeth. First, there’s no need to feel sheepish about the appearance of teeth that play such an important role in your confidence and ...

What Does Your Dentist Have to Do With Your Snoring?

Do you snore? If you’re not sure, we’d normally suggest that you ask your sleeping partner. But if you do, that might be a bit of a sore point. Let’s stick with the statistics. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reports that approximately 45% of adults snore at least occasionally, and 25% snore regularly to the point that snoring affects their sleeping partner’s sleep. So the odds are good that if you don’t happen to snore, your partner does.  Snoring may be more than a nuisance What is snoring anyway? Snoring occurs when the muscles in your soft palate (the back and roof of your mouth where it meets your throat), throat and tongue relax. The snoring sound itself is the result of the soft tissues in your throat vibrating as air flows through your throat while you sleep. Snoring is more common in men than women and is more common in people who are overweight, smoke, sleep on their back, consume too much alcohol, use sedatives or are congested. Snoring can be more than...

What Happens During A Root Canal (and When to Consider Getting One)

A serious tooth infection can ruin your life. Not only can severe infections be painful from moment to moment, but any attempt to eat or drink can also cause excruciating spikes in pain and that infection can spread into your jaw and throughout your body unless brought to a halt and removed. Untreated infection running rampant may affect your general overall health, and require tooth extraction that could otherwise have been prevented. If only there was a successful alternative to get rid of these symptoms once and for all?! There is. Root canal therapy from a dentist in Legacy halts infection, removes the infection, eliminates pain, and preserves your natural tooth. Now, we know what you’ve heard about root canal therapy and maybe a bit about what you’ve imagined. But before you make the next important decision about preserving your general and dental health, know the facts. Undergoing a root canal near you can change your life — for the better. What happens during a root canal?  ...