When Should I Keep or Extract My Wisdom Teeth?
Did you get the bad news that you need tooth extractions in Legacy ? Do not worry! Our specialists perform this procedure with the best techniques and anesthetic methods for you not to feel anything. Among the reasons you need to look for tooth extractions near you, you can find: Poor oral hygiene – is the most common reason for tooth loss. People not brushing their teeth and consuming sugary foods may develop dental caries that, in advanced stages, destroy all the dental structure, leaving no option to rehabilitate the dental piece. A failed root canal – even though you can get endodontic retreatment, some people prefer extracting the dental piece and getting a dental implant. Gum disease – Gum or periodontal disease is the infection of the tissues supporting the tooth. In the early stages, it separates the dental piece from the gums. You may reverse this condition (Gingivitis) with oral care and teeth cleanings with our dentist in Legacy. If untreated, the gum and bone recede, and te...